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Recipe name
A Whole New World

Where can I find this recipe?
This recipe is part of the food truck of Tacos and Nachos Ancho! Let them take you on a journey to Mexico using authentic flavours.
Go check out their food truck and meet the wonderful people that make delicious Mexican Food accessible at the festival grounds.
In total we already saved
kg CO₂
at Voodoo Village.

About the score
This is the amount of CO₂ that this recipe produces.

An average Belgian meal produces 2.1 kg of CO₂. If the recipes produces less CO₂ the bar will be green, if the number is more or less the same it will be yellow and if the recipe produces more CO₂ the bar will be red.
CO₂ saved
This is the amount of CO₂ that you save compared to an average Belgian meal
km saved
9 km
That is equivalent to driving this amount of kilometers with an average Belgian car.
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